It's unusual…

..what started out as an IVF journey and ended up being about life

I’m back…for whatever it’s worth January 3, 2012

Filed under: Parenting — gertyrae @ 5:19 pm
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I really keep saying I want to keep up with this and it’s terrible how I don’t. I’ve gone through another set of holidays without posting one thing in regards to my son, hubby, dogs (yes that’s dogs) we acquired a puppy on October 23rd. All is good in general, but I would love to keep a record of the finer points so that someday I can go back and see where we were and how far we’ve come (hopefully).

Well, we got approved for our home modification, which I hadn’t even posted about at all. Payments went up $75/month but our back payments were absorbed. Huge weight off our shoulders. Thank you to Chase Home Finance for seeing the light on that one and not letting us lose our home. I really love our house and was totally sweating the last year thinking we might lose it.

Colin is doing great! Happy, healthy, extremely talkative two year old…as in never.shuts.up. He talks in his friggin sleep. But, it’s well worth it. He has a real sense of humor and a few weeks ago I was reading him a book before bed and he flipped up his sippy cup straw and chocolate milk sort of spewed out…we both were belly laughing about it and I thought to myself afterwards how it’s all worth it just for that moment. All the pain to get here and the terrible two moments are gone in an instant when you are laughing with your son and it’s real. He loves to cook, cook, cook…everything he does is some variation of cooking. My friend swears it’s because he’s around me cooking all the time, but I think he just has a natural tendency towards cooking  – – Master Chef here we come!!

Potty training began last week and it’s been pretty good…dry for a few days, then an accident…today he pooped in his undies 😦 for the first time. But, I think he’ll get it sooner versus later and I’m not expecting perfection. He’s also in a toddler bed now. We did that the a few days after Christmas. Our house is a disaster with toys strewn everywhere, but a big part of me loves it. Can’t wait til the weekend when the tree comes down though.

And our latest addition:Stormy the pit bull/beagle (at least that’s what I think she is). Cute as a bug but what a maniac. We went into Petco and a young man was walking out with her. Of course we stopped to moon over her and heard that she had spent a week left outside in all the elements, including a Nor’Easter and fell in love. She’s a happy dog but kind of dumb…still hasn’t gotten the housebreak thing down completely and now I have to work on obedience cuz she’s starting to jump up for food, etc.

I’m going to leave it at this for now…hopefully I can do a little better this year as opposed to last…but we’ll more promises to myself or anyone else. Oh yeah…and I gained back a bunch of weight I had lost so I’m starting off the new year at 179 pounds and I need to get my raggedy butt back down to 155….

That’s all folks!!
