It's unusual…

..what started out as an IVF journey and ended up being about life

Things are continuing to look pretty good December 14, 2008

Filed under: Infertility,IVF,Pregnancy — gertyrae @ 8:27 pm
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Beta was at 3800 on Saturday which is a good number, means things are progressing nicely. I have to go back this coming Friday (the 19th) for another beta and then on the 29th I go for a sono to see if the embie/baby has a heartbeat. That will be the biggie.

California was really nice. We spent most of our time with family, but we did get some driving time on the PCH in. It’s very pretty out there…but also wayyy too expensive for my taste. I’m a poor person…and I’m not sure I’d even want to be that wealthy. But it was great seeing family – we haven’t seen them since the summer.  BTW, for all the people who think the Santa Monica Pier is something they have to see – don’t waste your time. It’s an arcade and fair – no more, no less. If you go to the pier, go to see the seals, cormorants and grebes(light colored cormorant looking birds).  And the scenery…

Had a Christmas party at my house with all my local “Infertility Friends” and we had a great time. I had a house full of kids ranging in age from 6 months to 5 years and it was so much fun. Although, after 7 hours I guess Misty had had enough and she nipped at the 5 year old. I’m not happy about it, but his mother was great and totally understood that the dog was tired and just reacted to him running by. I was really upset cuz she had been really good with the kids all day….I never expected that at the end of the night. She didn’t even break skin, but it was enough to disturb me.

In other news, my sister just announced that she is pregnant. If all goes well, we will be due within two weeks of each other. I can honestly say that at first I was a little angry and/or jealous, but I seem to have gotten past it and am thinking how great it will be that these cousins will be so close in age and get to grow up together. I remember how much fun I used to have with the cousins who were around my age and I really think this is going to be a good thing.

And that’s all I got…..I now have to go back to working on my Christmas Dinner menu. We have 13 people coming over and I’m thinking of doing a crown roast of pork for dinner.

Oh and some pics from Santa Monica!


Well, it’s been so long…. October 15, 2008

Filed under: Life — gertyrae @ 12:14 am
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…but I’m not putting out a fire with gasoline!!1


Actually, it’s been a good weekend! There’s something to be said for not being obsessed with IVF treatment – which start up again on Friday…:*

Friday night, I carved pumpkins until 2 a.m. and then cleaned the pumpkin seeds so I could roast them.

Saturday, we took the jams, sauces and carved pumpkins out to Riverhead to put them into the competitions. Then we went to a house party Saturday night and had a great time….nothing beats hearing stories of other people’s grossness to perpetuate some fun!

Sunday, we went to the Riverhead Fair to see how my entries fared and to shop around. And guess what?…yes I know the suspense is deadly!!:)

I won First Place in the Pumpkin Carving Competition and Second Place in the Applesauce………..Awesome Applesauce Indeed!!!!!!!!

I was sooooooooo proud of the Applesauce!!!

And that’s pretty much it – The Packers won!! Yayyyyyyyyy!!! The Giants lost – Oh Well!! and I start my injections on Friday – BOOOOOOOOOOOOO HIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

So, I’ll be back on Friday to update…


OH and some pics of the award winning pumpkin!!